Seven officers among thousands graduate at UPNG

Seven officers among thousands graduate at UPNG

Seven officers from the Department were among the thousands graduated from the 68th University of Papua New Guinea graduation ceremony held at the Sir John Guise Stadium this year.

Secretary Dr Ken Ngangan congratulate the officers for their hard work. He said, when taking on the role as head of the Department one of vision was to equip and train officers so that the department has skill-set officers to manage public finances.

He told officers that it is not easy, a lot of hard work and sacrifices has been done as individuals and also your families, but it is rewarding.

We have managed to sign an agreement with the University of Papua New Guinea for the Public Sector Accounting Program and many of our officers have graduated from this program over the past years.

I am content that the Department have the required skill-set to deliver on the mandate which is to manage, protect and report on public expenditure of the country.

He further encouraged officers to go for studies to up-skill their skills and knowledge in their respective field so that we all work together in delivering the Government’s objectives and services to our people.

  ‘’Learning never stops’’ while you still can take the opportunity and go for it, he said.

Among the officers who graduated this year includes, three with Masters of Business Administration (MBA), two with Masters of Economics and Public Policy, and one with Degree in Human Resource Management and Public Finance Accountancy.

The Department is keen to equip all officers through scholarship programs overseas and also in country study programs.