Senior staff of the Department of Finance recently graduated with Masters in Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Papua New Guinea’s 66th graduation in July, 2021.
Finance Secretary Dr Ken Ngangan during a brief luncheon after the graduation congratulated the officers for successfully completing the MBA as well as Bachelor in Public Finance and Accountancy studies respectively.
“One thing education can give is the urge to take another step forward in life so cherish education as it is always the beginning regardless of age, gender or creed.
“One of the successful agenda we’ve done in the Department is to upgrade and upskill our officers since my tenure as the Finance Secretary. Since then, a lot of our officers were able to have academic qualifications regardless.
“To the graduates, you’ve taken time off work to study to fruition and after this the same must be given back to the Department by as much as the support you’ve received personally and collectively as a Department.
Representing the graduates, Mr Dominic Ira Deputy Secretary Strategy and Governance thanked Secretary Ngangan and the Department for the continuous support throughout.
The Department offers this professional academic sponsorship to officers serving in public service for over five years. However, applying for the sponsorship is also subject to funding availability and spacing in officer’s respective work environment.
The following are Department of Finance MBA graduating batch; Mr Dominic Ira- Deputy Secretary Strategy and Governance, Mr Tom Tiki- FAS IACD and Mr Jacob Mark- FAS FCD.
And Bachelor in Public Finance and Accountancy batch; Gaso Sihini- FMIP and Albert Puni- PDFMD.
Meanwhile, Secretary Ngangan mentioned the need to revive the Association of Government Accountants. These can also pave way for short courses.
“These are non-academic program through on-going professional development program e.g. IFMS and Audit training etc.. These trainings will be documented and add on staff profile not only in Finance but used for future endeavors.
“These program will be open to anyone working in the public finance space including in provincial and district offices.
Secretary Ngangan encourage staff to take such opportunities and advance in both professional academic and non-academic potential.