Financial Instructions (FI) 2018-Present Financial Instructions No. Date Issued Subject (Click to view) 1/14 14/05/2014 Revenue Collections by PNG Diplomatic Missions Overseas 2/14 16/06/2014 (Amended) Service Improvement Program (SIP) – Revoked by FI -18/2018 3/14 17/11/2014 No more cheque payment to Public Service Salaries and Wages 4/14 17/11/2014 Financial Delegation increase for District Administrators and District Treasurers 5/14 17/11/2014 Illegal Transfer of Recurrent and Development Funding into Trust Account at year end 01/15 21/04/2015 DDA Financial Arrangements – Revoked by FI – 03/2016 02/15 06/10/2015 Standardized Signatories for PT & DT Managed Bank Accounts 01/16 25/01/2016 Management of Cash Flows – Revoked FI -05/2017 02/16 09/02/2016 Cashless Payments & Receipting Systems Guidelines 03/16 05/05/2016 (Amended) DDA Financial Arrangements 04/2016 30/06/2016 2017 General Elections 05/17 03/04/2017 Management of Cash Flows -Deputy Secretary (Operations) 06/17 06/06/2027 Amendments to Schedule s on the Bank Reconciliation Report 07/17 13/10/2017 2017 Close of Accounts (IFMS CoA) 08/17 09/11/2017 Use of IFMS 09/17 09/11/2017 Cancellation of Cheques in IFMS Financial Instructions from 2018-Present Financial Instructions from 2014-2017 Financial Instructions from 2007-2013 Financial Instructions from 1992-2006