Southern Highlands Province

Southern Highlands Province Southern Highlands is a province in Papua New Guinea. Its provincial capital is the town of Mendi. According to Papua New Guinea’s national 2011 census, the total population of Southern Highlands (after the separation of Hela Province) is 515,511 spread across 15,089 square kilometers (5,826 sq mi).It is one of the country’s province that is rich in energy resources.

Southern Highlands has roughly around 7 dialects. The languages are as follows; Anggal Heneng, Imbonggu, Kewa, Wiru, Biami, Foe, and Fasu

Provincial Finance Manager (PFM)Provincial Finance Office Contact
Mr. Keven PurunoP.O Box 252 Mendi
Southern Highlands Province
Phone: 734 1835

Districts and LLGs

Each province in Papua New Guinea has one or more districts, and each district has one or more Local Level Government (LLG) areas. For census purposes, the LLG areas are subdivided into wards and those into census units.

DistrictDistrict Finance ManagerDistrict CapitalLLGContacts
Lalibu PangiaKani KumiLalibu
  1. East Pangia Rural
  2. Ialibu Urban
  3. Kewabi Rural
  4. Wiru Rural
Tel: 793 94486
Nipa KutubuJessie WongNipa
  1. Lake Kutubu Rural
  2. Mount Bosavi Rural
  3. Nembi Plateau Rural
  4. Nipa Rural
  5. Poroma Rural
Tel: 73938519
Mendi MunhiuKen PipiMendi
  1. Karints Rural
  2. Lai Valley Rural
  3. Mendi Urban
  4. Upper Mendi Rural
Tel: 772420817
ImbonguPeter MarkImbongu
  1. AIalibu Basin Rural
  2. Imbongu Rural
  3. Lower Mendi Rural
Tel: 70839648
Kagua EraveNick TuriKagua
  1. Erave Rural
  2. Kagua Rural
  3. Kuare Rural
Tel: 72366659