Our Divisions

Our Approach

The Department of Finance, through each division provides the Government of PNG the following Financial Services: Accounting Services; Asset Management; Payroll Services; Non Tax Revenue Services; District and Provincial Treasury Services; Capacity Building Programs.

Operations Wing

Financial Reporting & Compliance Division
Continue to enhance the government financial management framework and provide timely and reliable reporting on government finances.

Payments Division
Streamlined and strengthened processes for managing and reporting on accounts payable and more robust and reliable management, monitoring and reporting of public service payroll.

Financial Control Division
Timely and accurate monitoring and reporting of government receipts and payments including prudent management of Government cashflows and ensure compliance to the PFM Legal Framework is maintained at all times.

Information & Communications Technology Division
Reliable and efficient IT systems to support Departmental operations and Whole of Government applications, working effectively with the managed services provider.

Strategy & Governance Wing

Government Office Allocation Committee
Contribute to creating state value by securing and managing state assets that provide suitable office space to meet the establishment and operational needs of state agencies.

Internal Audit & Compliance Division
Improved public sector governance through the provision of effective audit services and advice to all GoPNG agencies, including the Department of Finance.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
Advocate and promote Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in the Department.

Legal Unit
To provide legal advice and support to the office of the Secretary and the Department.

Financial Audit & Investigation Division
Promoting good governance and its two pillars of accountability and transparency through a comprehensive program of financial inspections and investigations to strengthen and improve government financial management system relating to receipt and expenditure of public monies and state properties.

Support Services Wing

Corporate Services Division
Effective administrative support services to the Department of Finance, including advice and reporting on Departmental budget management.

Organisational Strategy Division
Develop and implement strategies to strengthen human capital, build skills and improve communication including policy coordination to support stronger performance in core departmental responsibilities.

Non-Tax Revenue Division
Strengthen non-tax revenue policy, increase collections through improved collections processes and more rigorous reporting and follow-up of revenue collection opportunities.

Sub National (PFM) Wing

Provincial and District Financial Management Division
Support the implementation of the PFM reform programs including the sub-national rollout of IFMS, upgrade of provincial and district infrastructure and coordinate the operations of the PFOs and DFOs and build PFM capacity.

Financial Management Improvement Program
Strengthen the Public Financial Management System, resulting in improved reporting, enhanced controls, increased accountability, greater transparency and a strengthened internal control environment across all levels of Government.