Many fees and charges to the general public across the nation have not been revised for many years. The Department of Finance worked with other government agencies to review fees and charges and bring them up to date. An Act (Section 209 and 210 of the Constitution and Section 5 and 7 of the Public Finance (Management) Act 1995) was passed on 1 January 2015. Not all fees and charges were implemented immediately and those remaining come into effect from mid-October across the whole of Papua New Guinea. The revised fees and charges were gazetted in the Post Courier, The National and Sunday Chronicle on 10, 14 and 16 October 2016.
The revisions include fees and charges relating to:
- land including leases and valuation transactions
- employment of non-citizens
- firearm licences
- medicine and cosmetics trading
- pharmacy, pharmacist/technicians registration
- tradesman registration
- industrial organisations registration
- employment agencies
- Civil Registry records