The Secretary presented the Department’s work at the annual international PEFA (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability) conference 26-29 April held in Hungary. This year’s conference, PEFA: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE, provided an overview of the experience and achievements of the PEFA program over the past decade, explained the PEFA 2016 Framework and discussed future opportunities to increase the PEFA program’s contribution to PFM reform.
It brought together representatives from national and subnational governments, public financial management practitioners, PEFA Partners, international development and standards organizations, PEFA assessors, academics and representatives of training institutions and was an opportunity for participants to consider what PEFA has achieved, learn about the PEFA upgrade, and influence PEFA’s future. See the Secretary’s PowerPoint presentation here
PEFA Success Stories 2016
Watch the Secretary and other public expenditure and financial accountability experts around the world (filmed at the PEFA 2016 International Conference).